Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Greatest Capsicum Ever

Look at that.
It looks so good. 
I didn't even want it.
I saw it sitting in the IGA and it looked so good I HAD to buy it.
That's a big deal. The End.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Interior Design

Animating would be so much easier if it didn't take an 1 hour and a half to do a background.
I try but it takes SO LONG!
I should get some help.

Updates amongst other stuff.

News news news.

I've updated the links section of my site. It now has some awesome sites you should go check out. One being

This is a site for various artists, musicians and writers to get exposure. There's some awesome stuff on there, not to mention yours truly as well.

What else what else what else?
I released the Snagman demo a few days ago. It's only the first level of seven, each one with a different meat products to shoot. I also plan on adding more features like lives, power ups and power downs. From what I hear, the top score is something like 18,000.

Play it by clicking here.
P.S. It's 11MB so if your using dial up it may take some time to load.

Finally some bad news with progress on 'Be Nice To Your Teeth'.... turns  out I can't sing :(
I tried for 3 days to get it right, it's not happening.
But if you or someone you know can sing like JT please let me know.
But for now this is all there will be of 'Be Nice to Your Teeth' a.k.a BrushyBack

Friday, December 12, 2008

John, You should finish that one about teeth.

I'm restarting the production of 'Be Nice To Your Teeth' either tomorrow or the next day.

Depending on hungover I am.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm sorry Mr. West

But that was fucking disappointing.